Thursday, October 11, 2007


So there's SuperHubby, extremely happy with me (can you tell?). Isn't he just the cutest?

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Now That's What I Call Music

A couple of weekends ago, I made a little trip to my brother's house and had him load up my MP3 player with songs. I did this for 2 reasons: (1) I thought SuperHubby might be going to the hospital and I wanted something to listen to, and (2) I am cheap, and didn't want to pay for the music.

So he downloads a bunch of songs that he had on his computer. One group that he rather enjoys is a local group, The Fire Apes. He enjoys them because his buddy, John Seymour, a teaching and running friend of his, is the lead singer. He actually also knows SuperHubby, but that's not the point.

The Professor (my brother, for those who can't keep up) and sis-in-law (if you can't figure this out, stop reading now - you're just stupid) have tried several times to get us to go to see The Fire Apes play. Unfortunately, it's usually "Hey, they're playing tonight, can you get a sitter and meet us there in 2 hours."

But I was really enjoying their style of music. I listened to a couple of songs. I also listened quite intently to every single 80s song (and Johnny Cash song) he downloaded for me. And then I saw it. My name. Right there on my MP3 player. Sweet.

I have mentioned before how completely un-skilled I am at anything and everything gadgety, which is actually the 3rd reason why I drove 30 minutes to get him to put music on my MP3 player. I was looking at my name and thinking, "Okay, so he has named this group of songs Lori. Makes sense." Then the music started.

Yes, my friends, The Fire Apes have written a song called "Lori." I am pretending it is about me. It's an awesome song and they even spelled my name right, so it doesn't matter that I've never met anyone in the band. They wrote a song about me! How cool is that??!!

Shut it. How many of you have songs written about you? Okay then.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Name That Van

In random-weird-stuff-happening-to-Lori news, several people have mentioned to me in the past couple of days about why I haven't given a moniker to my new van. Frankly, I've been thinking about it...but I LOVE this van, so nothing along the lines of The Suppository will do. (yes, I loved her too, but in an I-hope-she-dies-soon kind of way).

So I was talking to Geoff about it yesterday, and was explaining that my first thought was Freida - as in Frigid Freida - because that girl can blast the A/C, let me tell you. This is a good thing, since 3 out of 4 Fitzgeralds are very hot-natured. And SH doesn't get to drive my van that much.

Then FrogBoy mentioned that I needed to name the van. That was odd. His suggestion? Princess Mommy Mobile. I like it, but the initials (PMM for those of you who are really slow) are a little close to PMS, which would make more sense but is slightly hurtful.

I also thought of Maxine, although I have no reason other than I think it sounds cool.

So...any suggestions out there in blogworld? Certainly the 3 people who read this can come up with something. I'm counting on you to name my van...don't disappoint me!!!