Friday, June 26, 2009

What a Week

This has been one doozie of a week. Well actually, if I'm going to complain, and I am, it's been a heck of a month. But this week capped it off perfectly.

At the end of last month, SuperHubby had his first ever migraine. I say first ever because it was the first one he's ever had that has been totally, completely, 100% debilitating. The neurologist assured us he's been having them for years and just didn't realize it because they weren't as bad as the one in May. That's very comforting.

I spent 2 days ferrying him back and forth to different ERs for different treatments. During that time, my grandmother's husband fell at their assisted living facility and hit his head and had big issues from that. He had to have brain surgery. Yes, really.

Fast forward 10 days. SH has another migraine. Only minor stuff was going on that week, so while it really stunk for him, it was more of an annoyance for me. Just some schedule adjustments and all was well. During that time my grandmother's hubby went to hospice, so I had to juggle some things, but it was do-able.

Fast forward another 10 days, to the beginning of this week. Granny's husband passed away on Monday. He was 91, loved the Lord, loved my grandmother, and had a really good life. So we were sad but rejoiced for his homegoing. Funeral was set for Wednesday, with SH and Spanky and 2 of the pallbearers. Froggie's job was pushing Grandmama's wheelchair.

Yeah, that apparently was too much planning, because on Tuesday SH got hit AGAIN. Yes, really. Third major migraine in 4 weeks. He ended up missing the funeral completely (actually, he missed this week completely, but that's another story), and I started something I'm fondly referring to ask Lori's Taxi ... Service with a Frown. I was shuttling kids everywhere (because, of course, we had camp and therapies this week on top of everything else!). After many calls to the neurologist, I finally decided yesterday they were going to get the not-so-pretty side of Lori. Luckily, I was wise enough to ask for prayer before I called, and I didn't go crazy on them right away. He's my neurologist too, after all.

End result: SH had an infusion treatment yesterday, which just means he got an IV cocktail that went straight to the migraine, which I still find very confusing and extremely cool all at once. It seems to have done the trick, and he's feeling much better, although the doctor told me to keep him immobile for 2 days. That should be a challenge.

So we made it. I'm grateful for all the prayers of my friends and family, and I'm grateful that my hubby is feeling better. Most of all, though, I'm grateful this week is finally ending.