Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Name That Van

In random-weird-stuff-happening-to-Lori news, several people have mentioned to me in the past couple of days about why I haven't given a moniker to my new van. Frankly, I've been thinking about it...but I LOVE this van, so nothing along the lines of The Suppository will do. (yes, I loved her too, but in an I-hope-she-dies-soon kind of way).

So I was talking to Geoff about it yesterday, and was explaining that my first thought was Freida - as in Frigid Freida - because that girl can blast the A/C, let me tell you. This is a good thing, since 3 out of 4 Fitzgeralds are very hot-natured. And SH doesn't get to drive my van that much.

Then FrogBoy mentioned that I needed to name the van. That was odd. His suggestion? Princess Mommy Mobile. I like it, but the initials (PMM for those of you who are really slow) are a little close to PMS, which would make more sense but is slightly hurtful.

I also thought of Maxine, although I have no reason other than I think it sounds cool.

So...any suggestions out there in blogworld? Certainly the 3 people who read this can come up with something. I'm counting on you to name my van...don't disappoint me!!!


Anonymous said...

I like Madame Blueberry. Covers both the color and VeggieTales.

I also think I should get a nickname. I was thinking BestBoss.

super Hubby said...

Madame Blueberry sounds like a winner to me!
Let's rethink Geoffs.

Cindy and the Wards said...

"Daytimer" seems to be a name that brings you great joy...what don't you try that.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to go with Geoff and Super Hubby on this one - Madame Blueberry is really good - great for color, Veggie Tales and her story is all about being grateful.

Super Rog said...

Super Rog votes for Princess Mommy Mobile. Of course, that's because I know that The Cow Frogster is a real babe magnet and since I wish to have the same power, I'm trying to be like him.

Ann said...

I like Madame Blueberry, too, but I also think Mama Smurf would work...I'm sure you were singing "Tra-la-la,la,la,la-la-la,la,la,la!" when you got it!
(I counted out all those la's BTW).