Tuesday, November 28, 2006

You Go, Grandma!

Some time ago, I ran across an article about a 60+ year old woman who had just given birth to her first child. My first thought, of course, was EWWW. Upon reading further, I was slightly inspired by this woman's stick-to-it-iveness, since she'd been dealing with infertility for over 30 years and had finally realized her dream of having a baby. Then I went right back to EWWW.

Further reflection about this grandma's current situation caused me to wonder. How is it, when most people your age are sitting around, complaining about their aches and pains, making sure they get to the cafeteria early so they can be first in line and get the "good" desserts, that you decide you want to have a BABY. How do you decide that changing your own diaper isn't enough, and you want to change someone else's at the same time? Maybe it's easier - you can buy baby food in bulk. But it seems like an awful lot of work for a person who just a few short months ago woke up in the morning simply to see if AARP wrote today.

Most people this woman's age flatulate in public and blame it on someone else. No need with a baby - you blame the smell on them. Completely inappropriate comments made to unsuspecting waitresses are written off because you're surely out of your mind - after all, you just had a baby. At your age.

My biggest problem with the whole having-a-baby-when-you're-old-enough-to-be-its-grandparent is that this baby will probably be in middle school when you die. And on top of that, how can you honestly expect to keep track of the little rugrats if you manage to stay alive? You can't sneak up on them when they hear your bones creaking a mile away. And if you can't figure out how to use the internet or a cell phone, forget secret conversations with teachers that blow your kids minds.

Still, to this woman, I say "Right on!" You wanted a baby, and you stuck with it for more than 30 years until you had one. Forget all the children you could have adopted in that time that needed a mom. You did it your way.

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