Thursday, April 12, 2007

Just a Quick Update

I have no excuse - I've just been lazy - but I'm actually at home alone with access to the computer! This seems to be a rare occurrence these days, what with Spanky's teachers assigning a gazillion projects that all require internet use. It bothers me - because what about the 2 kids in class that don't have a computer at home? How do the teachers think they feel when they have to handwrite their reports - and use BOOKS instead of the INTERNET for research? Sometimes teachers just aren't that smart.

Anyway, FrogBoy and I are going to Greenville this weekend to see my best friend and her family. SuperHubby is staying home with the Spankster, who is on restriction from an earlier offense, which I can't really remember anymore. Suffice it to say, it was enough to keep him from going on the trip with SuperMommy.

Hopefully my trip will yield some interesting blog posts, although I have a few in my brain that just can't seem to make it out.

Oh, and there's only 257 days until Christmas.

Have a nice day.


Super Rog said...

If you can't remember Spanky's offense, I say that means he's forgiven and the restriction's over Lori.

Give Frogboy a hug from Mr. Roger and tell Super Hubby hi.

Super Rog said...


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