Monday, November 07, 2005

He Went There

SuperHubby is in the Super Pooper. That's right, my friends, he went there. Counseling, anyone?

It started a couple of weeks ago when a friend of his called to ridicule him about the Detroit Lions. That's nothing unusual. When SuperHubby went to return the call, he found this particular friend had moved. That meant the information in my address book was wrong.

A few days later, I casually mentioned to SH that I hoped he had written down the correct address (gotta make sure they get their Christmas card). And this man, the love of my life, the man I have lived with for almost 14 years, says, "Yeah, I wrote it down. In the address book."

EXCUSE ME?!?! He wrote it in the address book. Has the lost his mind? I held it together pretty well...not. I went totally Rain Man on him.

I began to shake. I couldn't form a sentence. (The shaking has happened before, and I take medication for that, so I knew that was directly related to the affront that had been committed against me and my beloved addy book. The fact that I couldn't speak, well, that was just scary.)

I asked if he was kidding. He wasn't. I begged him to tell me he was kidding. He couldn't. I immediately started thinking, "Great, I spend 4 years finding the perfect address book, and now I have to replace the stupid thing because this bozo has written in it." You see, it's ours to look at, but mine to write in.

Fortunately, it's a loose leaf book. I had to go that route because I can't stand having scratched out information in my addy book and my friend Cindy moves every 6-8 months. (Remember, I admitted to Rain Man syndrome already). So it looks like I'll be rewriting the "N" page tonight.

Sometimes I think he does these things just to irritate me. He came in the room the following morning and saw me putting together my new daytimer. His comment? "Is that my fault too?" If he ever touches my daytimer, blood will be shed.


Jessica said...

you are a riot!
and I love rainman!

super Hubby said...

but i wrote it in pencil!! Nothing a good eraser can't fix.

Anonymous said...

THAT, my friend, is just a little too scary! I'm gonna have to side with Super Hubby on this one...oops, I think I feel myself cringing from the virtual "argh"!

Anonymous said...

Good news.....we're not moving again for 18 months. You've got time to get a new address book!
Your friend Cindy

Mission Musings said...

I have the same disease. The cure was found using a computer database. Let it go LoriFitz. Growth comes when we allow imperfection to remain and learn to live with it.

MY superhubby (minus brain surgery) always told me, as I was tweaking a paper for school, "It's gone to press."