The Suppository Goes Down the Drain
Being Fitzgeralds, we couldn't start our vacation on a simple, laid back note. Somehow, this year, I became the anti-Lori and packed the night before our trip...and left the grocery shopping for the day we were leaving. I figured I could hit the store on the way and save myself some hassle. No such luck.
We packed the cars. We got through some minor issues (who sits next to Mommy at Waffle House, where on earth is Winnie Pooh, things like that). Finally, we're on our way...and we're early.
I take FrogBoy and we go shopping. Now anyone who knows FrogBoy knows this is no easy feat, as he starts asking for a Lego about 5 seconds after we enter the store (regardless of whether they sell them or not). He also has a VERY short attention span for grocery shopping. Why did I take him, you ask? To help out SuperHubby, that's why.
So SH goes to put air in Froggie's bike tires while I go to get groceries. Except the suppository doesn't want to go with me. The old girl started shaking and sputtering like Linda Blair in The Excorcist. And it didn't get much better.
She's been spouting white clouds of smoke for some time now, and shaking uncontrollably in the mornings, but she just flat died on me. So I had to call SH to rescue us from the store, and we had to load all our groceries and luggage into the trunk of his car. Which meant no bike for FrogBoy (which actually didn't matter in the long run). We get to our vacation spot, which is a good 45 minutes away from where I broke down, and I call AAA to tow the stupid thing. And they inform me that they can't tow it unless someone meets them there to show ID. Yeah, like if we were going to steal something, we'd steal THAT.
Needless to say, SH was THRILLED to drive all the way back into town to meet the guy from AAA and give him $57 we didn't have. What a great start to our holiday.
Then today, we go to the mechanic and he informs us that, sadly, it is exactly what we thought it was, which was a blown head gasket, which is actually just as terrible as it sounds. So we can't afford to fix it, but we wouldn't want to if we could. And we can't afford a new car, because we've put over $1000 into the stupid suppository in the past couple of months. Lovely.
Apparently we can put fix-a-flat or some such nonsense inside the car and hope it will continue to get me from home to work for a few more weeks. Can you say "crap," my friends?
I'm wrapping up the vacation now, and have spent the better part of today doing laundry and getting life back to normal. However, this afternoon has been spent completely on sulking. I miss the suppository already.
1 comment:
Ok so the fact that you call your car the Suppository reminds me of a joke.
An old man [it really helps if you insert the NAME of your favorite old man here] goes to his doctor.
Doc. I'm not hearing so well lately out of my left ear.
The Dr. looks into his ear and says "Well, there's something stuck in there" he then gets a pair of forceps and pulls out the object blocking the old man's ear.
"Why it's an old suppository. How'd that get into your ear?
"Um gee Doc....I don't know. Well thanks alot." On the way home the old man calls his wife and says..."Well Dora, the good news is I can hear again. The bad news is I also know where I left my hearing aid now."
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