Sunday, October 23, 2005

Trouble in the John

I really hate it when I'm in the bathroom and run into trouble. Not medication-requiring trouble, just inconvient trouble. Like when you finish your shower and drop your fresh, clean towel in the wet tub. When the people you live with feel compelled to flush or start a load of dishes while you're in the shower screaming "HOT! HOT! No, COLD! COLD!" and doing the SuperFreak Dance. When someone "accidentally" turns out the lights while you're showering. (Actually, we do that to Spanky, and it's quite enjoyable).

Some of my most recent situations...
  • Sitting down at 3 a.m. and SUDDENLY remembering you live with 3 boys, one of whom has left the lid up, and you are now soaked up to your shoulders.
  • Spraying your hairspray and thinking "Wow, that smells good," and not realizing until your neck is all sticky that you've confused the hairspray and the perfume....again.
  • Shampooing your hair and - on the rinse cycle - realizing you've used Nair instead of Suave.
  • Looking over and noticing there's no paper on the roll. And you're home alone. And the extra rolls are stored in the garage.
  • Brushing your teeth and realizing - 3 seconds too late - that your toothbrush was already wet.

Makes the Ice Cubes of Happiness sound better all the time.

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