Monday, October 03, 2005

It's All About Me

So last week was Lori Week - a small group chose me as their project, apparently, and Operation Fitzgerald went into full swing. I highlighted the first half of the week in an earlier blog. Now here's the great thing...the end of the week was just as wonderful!

On Thursday, I got a very nice card with Moe's Money. Now Moe's is one of my absolute favorite places on earth. This is evidenced by the fact that they know me so well. Seriously. They shout out at me every time I walk in the door.

I love Moe's for many reasons. They have awesome food. They are super friendly. They have that great green salsa-y stuff. I can order my food buck naked. (Okay, that alone is enough for me, let's be honest.)

So I was floating pretty high on the Moe's Money. I got enough for many meals. If I take SuperHubby, it won't last as long, but since I don't eat in restaurants by myself, it looks like I'm sharing my good fortune.

Then, Friday, I got flowers. FLOWERS. I never get flowers. And these were absolutely beautiful. Some kind of lily, which I'm told I can plant in my yard, even if I kill it (which I will). And while I was thinking I was being stalked at the beginning of the week, by Friday, I was really digging the attention. I could get used to being pampered.

The card I got Friday could've carried me all week. It was awesome. And it would appear these people like me. Either that, or they're faking it really well. My brother, the Professor, says they chose me for their project because it's easy to be nice to nice people, but being nice to me is a real service project. Feel the love.

I got another card today. And Jessica told me I was still rocking the good hair day. And SuperHubby's car, which died over the weekend, was fixed by a friend of ours (who will remain nameless so others won't approach him when they have car issues!) and we were out only $25 for the towing bill because I was smart enough to put towing insurance on the car. Today has been a Lori Day. Fabulous.

In case anyone is interested, I am taking applications for the next group that would like to spoil me. I may just be a princess after all.

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