Friday, September 30, 2005

Lookin' Good

I have been having a fantastic hair day for about 2 weeks now. I has really been tremendous. This has resulted in my spending a lot more time looking at myself in mirrors lately. And that has caused me to come to the conclusion that I really don't like how I look.

I need to be skinny again. I used to be super-skinny, and I don't want to do that ... the malnourished look just isn't pretty ... but I wouldn't mind being a little less buff. Sadly, I have no desire to diet and/or exercise, which is probably why I'm not skinny. Whatever the reason, I have come up with some ideas to help me be thinner without dieting:
  1. The poufier my hair, the thinner my face looks. The shorter and flatter the hair, the fatter the face. I just need to grow my hair out.
  2. I have a theory: the friction from my thighs rubbing together when I walk should cause the pounds to just drop off. Most of them are located in the thigh region anyway.
  3. I need to hang out with sight-impaired people. I have a skinny voice; my body just doesn't realize it isn't meeting up with people's expectations.
  4. I need to hang out with people fatter than me. I will look thin in comparison.

If none of this works, I may have to do something drastic: accept that I'm not skinny and move on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You just have a way with expressing what lots of people see-feel-and hear
but turn mute when trying to get it out! thanks---