Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Growing Up

Well, it finally happened. At precisely 8:37 p.m. yesterday, Spanky announced that he had just gone through puberty. I was immediately excited, as I really thought it took longer than that.

Here's the background: After getting out of the shower, Spank decided to run around the house doing the naked dance. And apparently, things were happening that I wasn't noticing. I was oblivious ... but not for long.

Spanky then returned to where I was sitting and made the big announcement: "I just had puberty." Kid's always had trouble with verbs. My wonderful response? "Oh, yeah?" He then went on to explain: "You know, when your thing sticks out." I couldn't help it. "I don't have a thing."

It's really SuperHubby's fault. He's supposed to be home for these discussions. He was not home. I become a blithering idiot when we have The Talk. Ask Pastor Glenn. I had to sit next to him in the Sex Ed class at school ... I couldn't even make eye contact (I still have trouble most days) ... and I'm supposed to be the adult.

So I did the proper Mommy thing: I asked if Spanky had any questions. He didn't. He did, however, have a lot of comments about the whole puberty thing. And he was kind enough to let me borrow his booklet "Puberty and Stuff" so I could get my questions answered. Nice kid.

This morning I asked if he had any questions. He still didn't. I reminded him that it was probably best if he would ask Daddy these questions, since he'd probably be more comfortable talking to him about it. And, as Spanky said, "Yeah, plus he's got a thing."

I may not explain it well, but I think he's got the most important facts down.


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