Monday, September 12, 2005

Who Put Me in Charge?

One of my favorite pictures is of me, SuperHubby and Spanky, taken on the day Spanky came home from the hospital. SuperHubby's looking rather confident, laughing, smiling - meanwhile, I'm holding this little boy up in the air with a look of "What now?!" on my face. I like this picture for many reasons. It was our first family picture. It reminds me of how blessed we were during the whole ordeal with getting Spankster into the world. I am much younger, skinnier and have really super-awesome hair. It's a great picture.

I was reminded of this picture this weekend. SuperHubby and Spanky went away for the weekend, leaving FrogBoy and the Queen to our own devices. This is not good. Who thought this was a good idea?

I don't cook. I shouldn't have to cook ... SuperHubby is a chef. Needless to say, there were many dining experiences this weekend in places that had indoor playlands.

I also forget to do things. FrogBoy didn't get a bath on Friday. Oh well, he wasn't feeling all that great anyway; he probably wouldn't have wanted to do the whole naked-dance thing.

And then there's bedtime. I don't like bedtime when I'm all alone. I tend to stay up all night, just in case someone decides to break in the house. Somehow I feel more comfortable knowing I'll be awake and waiting for them. The dogs are useless. They just fall asleep. They stayed awake a little longer this weekend because - oops - I forgot to feed them. All weekend.

Anyway, I let FrogBoy stay up most of the night...not because he wanted to, but because I wanted company. When he finally went to bed, I went in a few minutes later, woke him up and asked if he wanted to sleep with me. He turned me down. That's painful. So I sulked back to my room and braved it alone.

Last time SuperHubby left town, there was a mouse in the house. I was pretty much convinced all his little mouse friends would come back to torture me this time around. They didn't, but I think I heard snickering while I was trying to go to sleep.

Thankfully, everyone got home before bedtime on Saturday. That means I only had 1 night in utter agony and only 4 meals I had to handle. It's amazing that some people do this single parent thing 24/7 --- I can hardly handle 24/2.

And I still say they should make you take a class or something before they just hand you a baby. That's poor planning.


Anonymous said...

Lori...great write extremely well...what are you doing blogging at 4 in the morning? This is a problem!

Lori Fitzgerald said...

I only do one thing at 4 a.m. - sleep! I'm just too lazy to change the time on the settings of my blog. I should really fix that.