Saturday, September 10, 2005

On My Mind

I've had a couple of things on my mind lately. Things I've been thinking about doing, if not for the greater good of mankind, at least for my own sanity.
  • I'm thinking about growing my hair long again. I used to have really long hair. Of course, that was 2 children ago. But it was great. I could pull it back in a ponytail when I was cleaning. Or if I just wanted to look "kicky." I have naturally curly hair, so when it's humid out, I tend to look like a poodle on steroids. With long hair, I look like a drowned wharf rat. I hear the rat look is in this year.
  • I'm thinking of writing a book. I have a lot to say. I'm just not that sure that anyone wants to hear it. It would be cool to be able to say "I wrote a book," though.
  • I'm thinking of learning to cook. Wait. Okay, the feeling passed.
  • I'm thinking of getting a hobby. I used to have a hobby. I would cross-stitch like there was no tomorrow. I did Rainbow Row 3 times. Maybe that's what burned me out. I haven't picked up my stuff since Christmas of last year, right around the time my dad went in the hospital. No time. It's languishing in the attic now. I'd love to start again but I'm afraid I'd just be disappointed in myself. Anyone with any cool hobbies? I need something that's just for me.
  • I'm thinking of getting in shape. Let's be honest, I've been thinking of this for a long time. I just haven't done anything about it. Seems it requires something called exercise, which I am not familiar with. I don't like to sweat. What a pickle. Hmmm, a pickle sounds good right about now...
  • I'm thinking of getting another dog. We already have 2 dogs. Boxers. Big dogs. So we don't need another dog. SuperHubby doesn't want another dog. I want a French bulldog. Most adorable. Fortunately, they are very expensive, so unless someone is giving one away, I'm not getting one anytime soon.
  • I'm thinking of cutting myself off from the purse fetish. I have been using my current purse since August 25. This is an amazing feat. It's a very cool, very retired Vera Bradley that I got from eBay. I love it! I've loved purses before though; that has never stopped me from ditching them the minute a new, improved purse comes into my life. However, I have decided to stop actively pursuing new, improved purses. That is, after I spend my birthday gift certificate at Carolina Girls.

There you have it, a glance inside my thoughts. This is what keeps me up at night. This, and the sound of Kane snoring like a Mack Truck.

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