Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A Royal Pain

I have managed to injure myself. I'm not sure what I did. I think it may have been the marathon organizing session of this past weekend. However, I am currently in quite a lot of pain.

I'm not a wimp. I've had 2 c-sections, thank you very much. I could feel the stuff happening during the second one. (And let's be honest ... if they would've put my innards back where they belonged, I'd still be a size 6.)

But whenever I pull something in my back, I end up with a sciatic nerve issue. And this is a problem. I can't take Advil, so I need a prescription to help with the pain. And I have an intense reaction to pain medicine. There's generally drool involved. It's not pretty.

So I went to bed as soon as I got home last night. SuperHubby pampered me quite well. He even made my favorite soup - although soup isn't the best choice when you're flat of your back. Spanky had to spend the majority of the evening helping me up off the bed. And FrogBoy kept coming up to me and feeling my forehead.

The cool thing is that my family is very nice to me when I'm out of commission. The uncool thing is that I don't have any drugs. Had I not been in agony, I would have really enjoyed the royal treatment I got last night.

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