Sunday, January 01, 2006

2006 Resolutions

I am completely opposed to New Year's resolutions. The only reason people make resolutions is because they are too wimpy to commit to change all year long, but the one night they are totally and completely drunk, they feel like THAT'S when they can make some decisions and stick with them. This year, I feel compelled to offer up some resolutions of my own (and no, I'm not liquored up or anything).
  1. I will wear clothes every single day.
  2. I will eat at least one meal each day.
  3. I will buy at least one purse this year. (I have to - The Smurf gave me a gift certificate for Christmas. Otherwise...)
  4. I will only use one daytimer this year. Now - we all know this is serious. I have asked my sis-in-law to be my accountability partner on this one. I'm actually on my second daytimer of the year (both purchased last year, incidentally). The one I have now is the best planner ever. Really. If I make it all year with this one planner, I get to reward myself with the BEST best planner (same company, more expensive model).
  5. I will have a word of the day every day. If I'm in a good mood, I may share it with other people. TODAY'S WORD: FEISTY.
  6. I will not cook more meals than SuperHubby. No sense making him feel bad about himself.

So far I'm doing pretty good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello My Friend! I would really like for you to take a picture of that daytimer so that I can compare it to reality at the end of 2006! One accountability partner is not enough on this issue!

Love you, Lorrie