Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Be A Buddy

This month there is a Buddy Walk here in Charleston for families affected by Downs Syndrome. Since my BFF has a son (Nick) with Downs, and my boy BFF has a daughter (Coleman) with Downs, I wanted to get the word out to as many people as possible about this exciting event.

You can visit Scott and Meghan's site to see about being a buddy for Coleman. My girl BFF lives in the upstate and hasn't sent me any information on a Buddy Walk there...but I will keep everyone updated. Click here to see about donating for Coleman and the Kinney family.

I would like to point out that I am NOT walking, I am merely donating. Anyone who knows me knows I don't walk unless someone's chasing me. Frankly, I think it might distract from the Buddy Walk if I had a coronary event right there.

There's an autism walk each spring; somehow I always manage to miss that as well. I MEAN to go, I just don't get around to it. Anyway, this is a great chance to help out some great people -

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