And the Winner is...
Last night, I stayed up and watched the Academy Awards. I've never done that before. Now I know why.
For starters, I'm a morning person. Which means I got to bed by 10:00 - on a late night. So staying up until almost midnight to see a bunch of snooty people get awards I doubt they deserve or appreciate really doesn't interest me. But I wanted to do it so I could say I'd done it, and now, thank heaven, I never have to endure that torture again.
There were some highlights to my evening, however:
Gary Busey accosted Jennifer Garner on the red carpet. She looked like she might throw up all over him and Ryan Seacrest. And I'm pretty sure Gary wouldn't have noticed, because he was feeling NO PAIN.
When Javier Bardem won for Best Supporting Actor, he thanked his mom...who was his date...and did it in Spanish. She cried. That's always cool.
When Marion Cotillard won for Best Actress in a film I can't even pronounce, much less ever even heard of, she was amazed. She had nothing prepared and just said "I love love! I love life!" When she walked the red carpet earlier, she mentioned she'd never even watched the Oscars. Nice.
The Best Original Song winners were a man/woman team. The guy got up and hogged the mic and the poor mousy little girl didn't get to say a word before they started the "get off the stage" music. After the break, Jon Stewart - recognizing that her moment had been stolen from her - had her come back out to say her thank you's. She actually said something relatively smart too. I liked that.
There was actually a slip-n-slide area next to one of the podiums. First Colin Ferrell, then John Travolta, slid to their almost-doom. I kept hoping someone would go down, but alas, I was disappointed.
I didn't stay up to watch the last 2 awards (Best Director and Best Picture). At that point I just didn't care anymore. None of my picks were winning anyway. Plus I was really tired. I just don't understand what all the fuss is about. Of course, I also don't like seeing movies in actual theaters - it takes to much time out of my life - so maybe the whole thing just isn't for me.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Technical Difficulties
Just about every person I know who has a blog has a little blip on the side of their blog, usually to the right, that has links to the fabulous blogs they read. I don't read their blogs if I'm not on that list. However, I don't have one of those lists.
I'd like to say there's some impressive reason for that. I do actually feel like by listing blogs on your own personal blog, you're almost endorsing what that other person says...and what if they say something really stupid? This is almost guaranteed if I'm listed on your blog, by the way.
However, my failure to list other blog links is not at all that well intentioned. It is, sadly, lack of knowledge in how to make the list appear.
Seriously people, I once asked my boss what was wrong with my computer...and he asked me if it was on (it wasn't).
Recently, Blogger has decided I can no longer post pictures to my blog, and I can no longer bold words. I am 100% certain this is entirely my fault; however, I don't really care, because I'd like very much to be able to do both of these things.
I guess I'll have to do something I don't enjoy at all - I'm going to have to ask for help.
Just about every person I know who has a blog has a little blip on the side of their blog, usually to the right, that has links to the fabulous blogs they read. I don't read their blogs if I'm not on that list. However, I don't have one of those lists.
I'd like to say there's some impressive reason for that. I do actually feel like by listing blogs on your own personal blog, you're almost endorsing what that other person says...and what if they say something really stupid? This is almost guaranteed if I'm listed on your blog, by the way.
However, my failure to list other blog links is not at all that well intentioned. It is, sadly, lack of knowledge in how to make the list appear.
Seriously people, I once asked my boss what was wrong with my computer...and he asked me if it was on (it wasn't).
Recently, Blogger has decided I can no longer post pictures to my blog, and I can no longer bold words. I am 100% certain this is entirely my fault; however, I don't really care, because I'd like very much to be able to do both of these things.
I guess I'll have to do something I don't enjoy at all - I'm going to have to ask for help.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Quite Possibly the Best Idea Ever...
I am really just a wealth of great ideas. Ask anyone. No, forget it; just ask me - I'm more inclined to tell the truth about something like this. Other people tend to just be jealous of my fabulous ideas and then pretend like they're really stupid.
Currently I have a great idea. And I mean GREAT. What, you ask, would that be?!
Breakfast delivery.
I'm not talking cereal, friends; I'm talking eggs and hashbrowns (with cheese and onions please) and grits and bacon. A good country breakfast. Maybe some biscuits and gravy. Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about. And a huge glass of sweet tea to make it all go down just right.
Why has no one thought of this? If they can deliver a pizza to my door, why not breakfast? In my family, we eat breakfast for dinner all the time. And who doesn't love a fried egg sandwich?
Granted, they'd have to move pretty quick...grits and gravy both congeal pretty fast once they hit air. But in heaven, I'm pretty sure I'll be getting breakfast delivered to my bed on a daily basis.
I am really just a wealth of great ideas. Ask anyone. No, forget it; just ask me - I'm more inclined to tell the truth about something like this. Other people tend to just be jealous of my fabulous ideas and then pretend like they're really stupid.
Currently I have a great idea. And I mean GREAT. What, you ask, would that be?!
Breakfast delivery.
I'm not talking cereal, friends; I'm talking eggs and hashbrowns (with cheese and onions please) and grits and bacon. A good country breakfast. Maybe some biscuits and gravy. Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about. And a huge glass of sweet tea to make it all go down just right.
Why has no one thought of this? If they can deliver a pizza to my door, why not breakfast? In my family, we eat breakfast for dinner all the time. And who doesn't love a fried egg sandwich?
Granted, they'd have to move pretty quick...grits and gravy both congeal pretty fast once they hit air. But in heaven, I'm pretty sure I'll be getting breakfast delivered to my bed on a daily basis.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Same Stink, Different Deductible
Oh, the insurance woes. Does it ever cease?
I believe I mentioned earlier this month how over the moon I was that we had met our deductible (thank you, Spanky, and your nasty little appendix). I figured it would be October before we met the $5500 deductible, and so the insurance plan wasn't working out so well for us. Then Spanky had surgery, and things got a lot better a lot quicker. Because once you meet your deductible, everything in network is covered 100%.
A couple of weeks ago I went to fill 2 prescriptions. I needed them both desperately; there was no waiting around. It was okay; my deductible is met, so I didn't have to pay anything. Or so I thought.
When I drove around to the window, my friendly pharmacist said, "That'll be $284.98 please." I said, "Um, I've already met my deductible!" And frankly, I was a bit smug when I said it.
At that point, said pharmacist, who happened to be the same guy who at the end of last year couldn't tell me how much prescriptions cost until he charged me for them (isn't it beside the point then?), informed me that the pharmacy has no way of knowing if I've met my deductible. Basically, girlfriend, you're outta luck.
So I paid. And I cursed.
Come to find out, the wonderful insurance company lets us pay for the prescriptions, even after we've met our deductible, and then they reimburse us. And they reserve the right to take up to 30 days to do this.
Somehow that doesn't feel like "after you meet your deductible, you don't have to pay for anything out of pocket." I don't have $900 of fluff in my checking account...ever! ($900 is the monthly cost of prescriptions in our house.) Now I realize that they're reimbursing me, but a month is a long time, and I'm not quite sure they understand the meaning of "out of pocket."
I know people have it worse than me. I know people who do. I'm just tired of getting screwed by the insurance companies who look for ways out of their obligations. And on top of that, they keep raising their rates. I'm just thankful I got out of that business and got a real job.
Oh, the insurance woes. Does it ever cease?
I believe I mentioned earlier this month how over the moon I was that we had met our deductible (thank you, Spanky, and your nasty little appendix). I figured it would be October before we met the $5500 deductible, and so the insurance plan wasn't working out so well for us. Then Spanky had surgery, and things got a lot better a lot quicker. Because once you meet your deductible, everything in network is covered 100%.
A couple of weeks ago I went to fill 2 prescriptions. I needed them both desperately; there was no waiting around. It was okay; my deductible is met, so I didn't have to pay anything. Or so I thought.
When I drove around to the window, my friendly pharmacist said, "That'll be $284.98 please." I said, "Um, I've already met my deductible!" And frankly, I was a bit smug when I said it.
At that point, said pharmacist, who happened to be the same guy who at the end of last year couldn't tell me how much prescriptions cost until he charged me for them (isn't it beside the point then?), informed me that the pharmacy has no way of knowing if I've met my deductible. Basically, girlfriend, you're outta luck.
So I paid. And I cursed.
Come to find out, the wonderful insurance company lets us pay for the prescriptions, even after we've met our deductible, and then they reimburse us. And they reserve the right to take up to 30 days to do this.
Somehow that doesn't feel like "after you meet your deductible, you don't have to pay for anything out of pocket." I don't have $900 of fluff in my checking account...ever! ($900 is the monthly cost of prescriptions in our house.) Now I realize that they're reimbursing me, but a month is a long time, and I'm not quite sure they understand the meaning of "out of pocket."
I know people have it worse than me. I know people who do. I'm just tired of getting screwed by the insurance companies who look for ways out of their obligations. And on top of that, they keep raising their rates. I'm just thankful I got out of that business and got a real job.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Everything 80s is Cool Again
In my humble opinion, being a child of the 80s, everything 80s is cool STILL. That may have something to do with the total lack of musical talent (combine everyone with supposed talent from 1990 to the present and they would fit in Jon Bon Jovi's left pinky toe...with room left over). We also had the best movies ever. (On Valentine's Day I happily caught the last 10 minutes of Pretty in Pink...and was thrilled to gaze at the awesomeness of Jake Ryan once again.) And we had the best TV shows ever.
So this past week I was watching the news, and to my great surprise and delight discovered they are bringing back a classic. Yep, that's right...KITT is back.
My first thought was "Spanky is gonna love that show." That was quickly followed by "Who am I kidding?? I can't wait!"
There's just nothing like a talking car.
In my humble opinion, being a child of the 80s, everything 80s is cool STILL. That may have something to do with the total lack of musical talent (combine everyone with supposed talent from 1990 to the present and they would fit in Jon Bon Jovi's left pinky toe...with room left over). We also had the best movies ever. (On Valentine's Day I happily caught the last 10 minutes of Pretty in Pink...and was thrilled to gaze at the awesomeness of Jake Ryan once again.) And we had the best TV shows ever.
So this past week I was watching the news, and to my great surprise and delight discovered they are bringing back a classic. Yep, that's right...KITT is back.
My first thought was "Spanky is gonna love that show." That was quickly followed by "Who am I kidding?? I can't wait!"
There's just nothing like a talking car.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Body Buzz
My mother sent me an email several weeks ago that I wanted to share, but I got caught up in Spanky having one of his body parts removed, and I forgot to post it. Luckily, I didn't forget forever.
Following is a list of little-known facts about the human body. Read and enjoy.
* Scientists say the higher your IQ, the more you dream. (In case anyone is wondering, I dream ALL THE TIME)
* The largest cell in the human body is the female egg. The smallest is the male sperm. (No comment)
* You use 200 muscles to take one step. (See, I DO exercise!)
* The average woman is 5 inches shorter than the average man.
* Your big toes have 2 bones each while the rest of your toes have 3.
* A pair of human feet contains 250,000 sweat glands. (This explains a lot)
* A full bladder is roughly the size of a softball. (That's gross)
* The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades.
* The human brain cell can hold 5 time as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica. (Unless you're the Professor, who actually read the encyclopedia for pleasure as a child...then all bets are off)
* It takes food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach. (Is that quicker for women because they're shorter?)
* The average human dream lasts 23 seconds.
* Men without hair on their chests are more likely to get cirrhosis of the liver than men with hair. (Can you imagine the grant application for funding of this research?!)
* At the moment of your conception, you spent about half an hour as a single cell. (I know a couple of people who never got past that point)
* There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet.
* Your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring a half gallon of water to a boil. (I'm HOT)
* Your teeth start growing 6 months before you're born.
* When you're looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate. They do the same thing when you're looking at someone you hate. (Very interesting...)
* Your thumb is the same length as your nose. (We actually tested this one in my office...and it appears to be true...except for freaks - Shawn - who have thumbs of two different lengths)
So those are your freaky facts for the day. I'm sure you're as enlightened as I was.
One more...
It is physically impossible to lick your elbow.
(Stop trying - it really is impossible)
My mother sent me an email several weeks ago that I wanted to share, but I got caught up in Spanky having one of his body parts removed, and I forgot to post it. Luckily, I didn't forget forever.
Following is a list of little-known facts about the human body. Read and enjoy.
* Scientists say the higher your IQ, the more you dream. (In case anyone is wondering, I dream ALL THE TIME)
* The largest cell in the human body is the female egg. The smallest is the male sperm. (No comment)
* You use 200 muscles to take one step. (See, I DO exercise!)
* The average woman is 5 inches shorter than the average man.
* Your big toes have 2 bones each while the rest of your toes have 3.
* A pair of human feet contains 250,000 sweat glands. (This explains a lot)
* A full bladder is roughly the size of a softball. (That's gross)
* The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades.
* The human brain cell can hold 5 time as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica. (Unless you're the Professor, who actually read the encyclopedia for pleasure as a child...then all bets are off)
* It takes food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach. (Is that quicker for women because they're shorter?)
* The average human dream lasts 23 seconds.
* Men without hair on their chests are more likely to get cirrhosis of the liver than men with hair. (Can you imagine the grant application for funding of this research?!)
* At the moment of your conception, you spent about half an hour as a single cell. (I know a couple of people who never got past that point)
* There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet.
* Your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring a half gallon of water to a boil. (I'm HOT)
* Your teeth start growing 6 months before you're born.
* When you're looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate. They do the same thing when you're looking at someone you hate. (Very interesting...)
* Your thumb is the same length as your nose. (We actually tested this one in my office...and it appears to be true...except for freaks - Shawn - who have thumbs of two different lengths)
So those are your freaky facts for the day. I'm sure you're as enlightened as I was.
One more...
It is physically impossible to lick your elbow.
(Stop trying - it really is impossible)
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
I Win! I Win! I Want My Prize!!!
This year, the church went to a new high deductible health insurance policy. SuperHubby has his own policy, which comes with a $2750 deductible, and the boys are under my policy, which has a $5500 deductible. That means our total deductible for the year is $8250. Yikes.
We have to pay 100% until our deductible is met. Then the insurance pays 100% for the rest of the year. This might actually help us.
We figured SH would meet his deductible rather quickly. He takes over $400 in medicines each month, and he has physical therapy (for that ear issue) once a week, which is again more than $400 a week. For those weak in math, that's about $2000 in one month. I figured by March he'd be home free.
Who knew Spanky would end up having his appendix out? And to top it off, would spend 5 days in the hospital? All the bills are not yet in, and our total cost for that little visit stands at $26000+.
But the beauty of it is, we only have to pay $5000. (We had already shelled out $500 for 2 measly prescriptions, but that's not important here). The point is, we have $5000 to pay toward the surgery and the rest is covered.
It gets better. Since FrogBoy has Medicaid (because of the autism), it was GOING to take me and Spanky until October to meet our $5500 deductible...but because of the surgery, we met our deductible by January 21. Sweet.
I still can't believe we met our family deductible before SH met his individual deductible, but that's what I get for thinking. Even though I hate insurance, I am grateful that we have it, that it is working for us (this year, anyway) and that everyone in my house is semi-healthy (today).
This year, the church went to a new high deductible health insurance policy. SuperHubby has his own policy, which comes with a $2750 deductible, and the boys are under my policy, which has a $5500 deductible. That means our total deductible for the year is $8250. Yikes.
We have to pay 100% until our deductible is met. Then the insurance pays 100% for the rest of the year. This might actually help us.
We figured SH would meet his deductible rather quickly. He takes over $400 in medicines each month, and he has physical therapy (for that ear issue) once a week, which is again more than $400 a week. For those weak in math, that's about $2000 in one month. I figured by March he'd be home free.
Who knew Spanky would end up having his appendix out? And to top it off, would spend 5 days in the hospital? All the bills are not yet in, and our total cost for that little visit stands at $26000+.
But the beauty of it is, we only have to pay $5000. (We had already shelled out $500 for 2 measly prescriptions, but that's not important here). The point is, we have $5000 to pay toward the surgery and the rest is covered.
It gets better. Since FrogBoy has Medicaid (because of the autism), it was GOING to take me and Spanky until October to meet our $5500 deductible...but because of the surgery, we met our deductible by January 21. Sweet.
I still can't believe we met our family deductible before SH met his individual deductible, but that's what I get for thinking. Even though I hate insurance, I am grateful that we have it, that it is working for us (this year, anyway) and that everyone in my house is semi-healthy (today).
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
False Advertising
We have a local glass replacement shop that frequently advertises (translation: all the time) on the radio. I get the pleasure of hearing their commercials several times a day. And frankly, I'm disgusted.
Said glass replacement shop touts that they will replace your windshield "FOR FREE" if you have insurance. DUH! If you have comprehensive insurance coverage, ANY glass replacement company will replace your windshield for free. This, friends, is false advertising. Or at least very deceptive advertising.
This particular company goes on to say that if you DON'T happen to have insurance, they will quote you a very good price on replacing your windshield. How kind. And nebulous, considering "very good" is quite the subjective term.
Every time I hear this commercial, I just get angry. Maybe it's because they're playing around with people who don't know any better. Maybe it's because it reminds me of the bad old days when I was an insurance agent. Maybe I'm just moody this month.
Whatever the reason, mark my words: this company will not be getting any business from the Fitzgerald household. I'm wise to their tricks.
We have a local glass replacement shop that frequently advertises (translation: all the time) on the radio. I get the pleasure of hearing their commercials several times a day. And frankly, I'm disgusted.
Said glass replacement shop touts that they will replace your windshield "FOR FREE" if you have insurance. DUH! If you have comprehensive insurance coverage, ANY glass replacement company will replace your windshield for free. This, friends, is false advertising. Or at least very deceptive advertising.
This particular company goes on to say that if you DON'T happen to have insurance, they will quote you a very good price on replacing your windshield. How kind. And nebulous, considering "very good" is quite the subjective term.
Every time I hear this commercial, I just get angry. Maybe it's because they're playing around with people who don't know any better. Maybe it's because it reminds me of the bad old days when I was an insurance agent. Maybe I'm just moody this month.
Whatever the reason, mark my words: this company will not be getting any business from the Fitzgerald household. I'm wise to their tricks.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Yep, that's me. This morning, I secured my spot for at least the rest of 2008. I scored a Wii.
It hasn't been easy. Spanky wanted one for his birthday, and decided to save up all the money he would get from EVERYONE to get it. Then he also had to kick in some of his allowance. I knew he was serious when he agreed to give up all his birthday money and actually SAVE his allowance up to get the thing.
Unfortunately, his birthday is 17 days after Christmas, so it was really hard to find a Wii. I got a break from my little search when he had his appendix out - but after going back to school this week, his interest was back up and he started asking if I could find one...PLEASE.
So being the awesome mom I am, I got up early this morning and hit a local electronics store, which I personally hate. However, I will say they were very organized in their Wii-dealings. I got there 30 minutes before they opened, and 10 people had gotten there before me. They had 16 Wiis. But - and here's the smart thing - they were giving out vouchers. I was #13. However, when they opened the doors, I was the first one in line. They handed me Wii #13 and I was home in a mere matter of minutes, basking in the glow of my coolness.
So...Spanky has his Wii and I feel like Mom Extraordinnaire...but we haven't seen him all day. I guess that's the price you pay. Maybe tomorrow he'll let us play with it.
Yep, that's me. This morning, I secured my spot for at least the rest of 2008. I scored a Wii.
It hasn't been easy. Spanky wanted one for his birthday, and decided to save up all the money he would get from EVERYONE to get it. Then he also had to kick in some of his allowance. I knew he was serious when he agreed to give up all his birthday money and actually SAVE his allowance up to get the thing.
Unfortunately, his birthday is 17 days after Christmas, so it was really hard to find a Wii. I got a break from my little search when he had his appendix out - but after going back to school this week, his interest was back up and he started asking if I could find one...PLEASE.
So being the awesome mom I am, I got up early this morning and hit a local electronics store, which I personally hate. However, I will say they were very organized in their Wii-dealings. I got there 30 minutes before they opened, and 10 people had gotten there before me. They had 16 Wiis. But - and here's the smart thing - they were giving out vouchers. I was #13. However, when they opened the doors, I was the first one in line. They handed me Wii #13 and I was home in a mere matter of minutes, basking in the glow of my coolness.
So...Spanky has his Wii and I feel like Mom Extraordinnaire...but we haven't seen him all day. I guess that's the price you pay. Maybe tomorrow he'll let us play with it.
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