Saturday, July 09, 2005

Leavin' on a Jet Plane

We're going on vacation. While this may not sound like big news to most people, it's huge for us. For 4 years, we spent our vacations in MUSC with SuperHubby having brain surgery. Not the most relaxing way to spend your time off. We've gone 2 years without any trips to MUSC (I'm surprised they haven't called to check on us!), so now we're planning our first official family vacation.

Every year we go to a cabin close to home with my aunt and uncle and my brother and his family. It's a great vacation. We all really enjoy each other's company, all the kids get along great, we're far enough from civilization to not worry about traffic or pedophiles or anything, but close enough to get Moose Tracks when we run out. The price is right: we don't pay for the cabin, so we just have to bring food.

However, our little family of 4 has never been on an away-from-home vacation. Nothing more than a weekend trip here and there. And now we finally get to do it.

We're going to Pennsylvania. SuperHubby's brother and his family live there. Pocono Mountains. How cool is that? We're going for a week. Even better. We're all very excited.

I haven't even started packing yet. Don't even have a list. For anyone who knows me, this is craziness. I must have taken leave of my senses.

I'm more than a little nervous. Don't like flying. Spanky and Baby Boy have never flown. I was planning on loading up on valium to calm my nerves, but I realized that might not be the best way to go. I'm supposed to keep my children calm. Can't do that if I'm not calm myself. So my new plan is to fake it.

19 days and counting. The boys are beyond excited. I'm anxious but ready. SuperHubby doesn't show emotion, so there's just no telling. Even in the new experiences, things are surprisingly the same for the Fitz Family.

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