Saturday, July 23, 2005

Pokemon Problem

I have a problem with Pokemon. I just can't remember what it is.

Many, many years ago, in our quest to become Perfect Parents, SuperHubby and I decided we would ban all entertainment that seemed even remotely evil. Our list included any type of weaponry (specifically guns), Harry Potter, witches and ghosts and goblins (oh my!), and Pokemon.

Being Mom Extraordinaire, I did extensive research on Pokemon. It was banned immediately. MY CHILD would NOT be involved in such nonsense. I was, after all, protecting him from the evils of this world.

Shortly after the ban took place, my wonderful uncle began making SUPER COOL swords and guns for the children. So we lifted that ban. But we held firm to the others.

And yet, I cannot for the life of me recall why I squashed the Pokemon craze. Maybe because it was just so crazy. Maybe because I had nothing better to do that day. I don't know.

So now Spanky is wanting to watch Pokemon. He's been trained well. He knows if something is on the banned list, he must ask permission before watching. So now he asks every day if he can watch. And every day I say yes. But I have yet to lift the ban. Why?? I think I'm holding on to that one last little bit of control. The Perfect Parent Facade disappeared a long time ago.

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