Sunday, August 28, 2005

A Clean Slate

I havea confession to make. I am a daytimer addict. I can't help myself. I absolutely love getting a new daytimers. New, improved daytimer. Ah, the bliss.

Until I actually write in it. Then it's an old yucky daytimer. Just like the other 627 daytimers I have in the closet. And then the quest begins again.

There's something intoxicating about having clean, fresh, empty pages on which to write the details of your life. Even if your life is relatively boring, which mine is. The sheer joy from noting my friends and family's birthdays (in pink). The fun of writing in the entire family's comings and goings (in purple or green, depending on the mood - but always consistent throughout the daytimer!). Of course, if there's a cancellation, TIME FOR A NEW DAYTIMER!

I realize this may sound extreme to those that don't enjoy the daytimer fascination. It's a rare breed that can admit they are quite so anal. And yet, I believe a new, PERFECT daytimer enters my life approximately every 2 weeks or so. Can we say "perfectionist"? How about "just plain weird"?

I've spent the better part of the day today writing down everyone's birthdays, appointments, etc. in my most recent daytimer. I didn't actually purchase this one - wait, yes I did (it's not like I stole it!) - I just didn't purchase it recently. I bought this one many months ago and was at least smart enough to hold onto it when it bored me the first 2 go rounds. Before I could get all the pertinent info in, I was bored with this little planner. Sad.

And so, the quest continues. I write big ("flowery," SuperHubby calls it) so I need space to write, but I want my planner to fit in my purse. Pages can't be too thick or the planner will weigh down my purse and I'll walk like a hunchback, but they can't be too thin or the ink will bleed through and then I'll need another planner. I'd like to have to-do lists for the week but I want daily pages (figure that one out!). So - if anyone knows of the perfect planner - PLEASE - let me know!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here in the 90's I think they call the daytimer you're looking for a "Palm Pilot"