Monday, August 15, 2005

Simply the Best

I attended a wedding this weekend that was, quite possibly, the Best Wedding Ever.

I like weddings. I like being invited to weddings. Something about a couple choosing to share something to personal with you ... it's great. And yes, for those inquiring minds that just have to know, The Queen wore a dress.

Back to the wedding. This particular wedding was very sweet, simple, short. Not No-One's-Going-to-Like This, We'll-Just-Go-to-a-Justice-of-the-Peace simple, but We-Want-to-Get-Married, Would-Love-for-You-to-Come simple. There were 2 attendants - a bridesmaid and a best man. The groom and the best man wore linen suits. The bride's dress was made by her mother (and it was gorgeous!).

This was my brother's brother-in-law getting married. My brother told me not to be late or I'd miss the wedding. He wasn't kidding. There were no unity candles, no long songs in the middle of the ceremony (a mistake SuperHubby and I made), just an exchange of vows and rings, 8 minutes tops. The groom cried when he saw the bride, which I always find refreshing, but there was laughter during the ceremony as well ... If only we could all handle our Big Day with such grace and style.

The reception was equally simple yet perfect. I'm used to the southern wedding reception ... lots of food and nowhere to sit. This particular reception had tables and chairs for everyone. They had a buffet of sandwhich fixins and chips, fruit, drinks (including sweet tea ... I love these people!) and a dessert table. They even had M&Ms and Skittles! Now I ask, who among us has had M&Ms and Skittles at our wedding? Who doesn't wish they'd thought of that???

The children at this wedding were great. Granted, I was related to 5 of them. But this was a family-friendly, relaxed, grand wedding. I can't believe how much fun I had.

My dad offered me and SuperHubby $10,000 back in 1992 to just elope. We opted for the big elaborate wedding, mostly because we wanted the pictures to remember the day. A problem at the photo shop and we ended up with no photos from the wedding. I wish I'd had the nerve to do something that more expressed my personality.

Tommy and Becky - you guys rock!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I noticed all your postings are really early in the morning. When do you sleep?