Monday, August 22, 2005

Ode to a Commode

We have one bathroom in our home
That means we have but just one throne.
There's four of us that have to share
This single most important chair.

The bowl is always sparkling white
It really is a lovely sight
Clean-up's easy when you have kids
They usually only hit the lid.

Our toilet handles two small boys
It's eaten a fair share of toys.
It's been removed and replaced again
To fish out blocks and Superman.

Because it's seen so many hineys
We like to keep it fresh and piney.
Our john has seen a lot of butts
A job like that takes lots of guts.

So flush on, my porcelain friend, flush on,
You are our most beloved john.
And when your job begins to stink
Just let us know; we'll use the sink.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

you are a riot!