Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Eew, Gross

I have no other name for this blog. I've tried to be clever, but it simply alludes me. I am entirely too nastified by the realization that I have married my brother. And my brother has married his sister.

Before I go further, let me first confirm that no, we do not now, nor did we ever, reside in Alabama.

Here's the thing: My brother (The Professor, as he chooses to be called in blog world) started dating this really cute girl when she and I were both juniors in high school. They met at the grocery store where he worked and her family shopped. Sweet. They started dating, she and I became friends, there you go.

Several years later, I started dating a friend of The Professor's. Cute guy. Had similar interests to The Professor. They both ran cross country and track. That meant that during high school, when I was nurturing a slight crush on this friend of mine, I was able to watch him run and blame it on my brother. But I digress.

Fast forward to 1990. The Professor marries his sweetheart. Fast forward 2 more years - I marry SuperHubby (yep, that's right). And then we all noticed something...

My brother's wife looks an awful lot like me. Always has. At first, we both had long, curly brown hair. Awesome hair, I might add. Both terribly skinny (oh, for those days!). Personalities for miles. Anyway. We got married and had babies. Our figures got less skinny (hers not so much, but it makes for a good story). We both started cutting our hair because we had better things to do than fix it in the morning.

My brother and SuperHubby, very similar story. Early on, they're both runners, so they have the same friends and run in the same circles (bad pun). They both had lovely heads of hair. They got married. Hair started graying. They started shaving their heads. Even go to the same barber. Ugh.

We take an annual family vacation together. I took a picture this year of the guys on a dock. Pictures don't lie...they're twins! I also have a photo of my sis-in-law with her daughter and my youngest ... and everyone thinks it's me!

So okay - it's weird. We married each other. We even got people with the same initials. Even stranger. Sometimes my brother forgets who he's talking to and calls me "Babe." Creepy. But it's fun to go out and confuse people about how we're all related. And it's great because even after all these years, we're all still friends. I just hope we all age well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your realize that to "yankees" (definition: anyone from north of where you live)the south is all one big casting call for the movie "Deliverance". I believe you have just proven their point.