Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Sleep Deprivation 101

I didn't sleep very well last night. It started when my brother called at 9:30. Anyone who knows anything knows I go to bed at 9:30 - but since it was my brother, I answered. This is a person who has never had a quick conversation in his life, and we were on the phone over an hour. I could've gotten off earlier, but he was saying nice things about me, and I didn't want to be rude.

Now usually I'm asleep before SuperHubby comes to bed. He likes to stay up watching TV, and as I mentioned before, I'm in bed early. It takes a lot of sleep to be as sweet and cute and cuddly as I am on a day-to-day basis.

But last night, SuperHubby decided to come to bed early. And I was still up. Bad combination. I had almost drifted off when I heard Kane, walking around in a million circles, trying to get comfortable. I yelled at him. He got settled and started sighing. Heavily. Stupid dog. Then Layla started doing that thing dogs do when they're sound asleep (it doesn't take her long) where they bark (sort of) and their legs go super fast because they think they're chasing something. Like she would ever do that if she was awake. Why do we have these dogs again?

Now I sleep with earplugs in, because frankly, there's a lot of noise happening in my room at night ... so after about an hour, I started blocking out the dog noise. And about that time, SuperHubby starts with his Restless Leg Syndrome. The bed feels like we just fed it about a million quarters (well, that's a little TMI, isn't it?) and now I'm starting to get nauseous. But this is a nightly deal, so I can sleep through the earthquake.

And then it starts ... The Noise. SuperHubby doesn't snore. Let me give credit where credit is due. What SuperHubby does is more of a Death Rattle. He has asthma, and I'm pretty well convinced that he has some sort of sleep apnea. So he'll be sleeping, peacefully, and suddenly there's this loud sound of him sucking air, then nothing. Nothing. He's fine. Meanwhile, my heart is racing. It's hard to keep sleeping until I know he's not dying.

Then the neighbors came home late, which just added to my frustration, and I ended up getting to bed well past my bedtime. I thought about calling in tired today. Somehow I didn't think that would fly.


Anonymous said...

Sorry. I promise not to say anything nice to you again for a long time. Does that help?

Anonymous said...

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